Regard sur les Etats-Unis

vendredi 13 juin 2008

Ron Paul suspend finalement sa campagne !

Ron Paul, le dernier candidat en lice chez les républicains et représentant du Texas à la Chambre des représentants, vient officiellement de se retirer de la course à l’investiture. Candidat atypique Ron Paul est l’un des républicains le plus farouchement opposé à George W. Bush. Pacifiste et fondamentalement opposé à toute forme d’augmentation d’impôts, Ron Paul est notamment connu pour s’opposer à de nombreuses propositions de lois.
En effet, alors que John McCain est assuré de remporter l’investiture de son parti depuis le 4 mars 2008, Ron Paul ne s’était toujours pas désisté. Mieux vaut tard que jamais !
Voici le message publié sur son site internet :
For 17 months we brought the message of peace, freedom, and prosperity to millions of Americans. The response overwhelmed me: more Americans believe in liberty and the Constitution than I ever imagined. I am deeply moved and honored by your hard work and sacrifice on behalf of our cause.
However, after much serious thought, I have decided to end my campaign for the Presidency of the United States. It is time now to take the energy this campaign has awakened and channel it into long-term efforts to take back our country. We have some exciting plans and projects to move the revolution forward that will come together in the next several months. Watch for them.
I will work until my last breath on behalf of this great message. That I promise you. We don’t have to live in the kind of America the two major parties have in store for us. Together, let us continue to lay the foundations for an America worthy of our Founding Fathers.
Ron Paul

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